What's your questions?
The International Laboratory Corporation Limited will be glad to give advice and assistance in researching and development as follows:
Formulation: Choosing suitable raw materials.
Packaging: Testing of packaging.
Marketing and market research: ILC is able to share marketing information from our market research, as well as printed materials within the cosmetic circles, and our relationship with international market research companies.
ILC has many levels of production quantity depending on the orders. However, the order should match with the smallest order of the packaging chosen by the clients. For this, ILC is able to advise on suitable packaging in accordance to the size of orders.
To produce your own brand, ILC has many formulations to suit various budgets. The Company could also advise on packaging to stay within the budget.
Once the formulation and packaging have been agreed on, the initial production should take 4-6 months. However, the length of time could be shorter or longer depending on the readiness of both the raw materials and packaging.
ILC is happy to assist in designing new products with reasonable service fees.
The Company will be happy to advise on the packaging using domestic or international materials as well as reasonable prices. The Company could also advise on the quality of packaging produced by the Saha Group if requested by the customers.
ILC can request Thai FDA approval for formulation created by the company.
ILC could help with exporting documents such as Form A and Form D, and Certificate of Free Sale.
ILC has delivery service to Bangkok Metropolitan and its surroundings without charge.